
Add Thai Font for Drawing SolidWorks
Problem with Thai font in drawing sheet. Install AppliCAD Font for fix this problem.

Fix setting for GDI Objects and User Objects
Occasionally, after working on your complex design project for many hours, you may see this warning message: 'Warning! Available windows resources are critically low. SOLIDWORKS cannot open any more windows. Close some open SOLIDWORKS documents.'

RealHack 7.0

Reset SolidWorks Setting
This command run to fully reset all of your SOLIDWORKS preferences. You will need full administrative permissions on your computer to be able to do that. After run this command, Please launch or restart SOLIDWORKS.

Show FPS
This command run to show Frames Per Second (refresh rate) in SOLIDWORS. You will need full administrative permissions on your computer to be able to do that. After run this command, Please launch or restart SOLIDWORKS.

Add Thai Font for Drawing SolidWorks
Problem with Thai font in drawing sheet. Install AppliCAD Font for fix this problem.

Fix setting for GDI Objects and User Objects
Occasionally, after working on your complex design project for many hours, you may see this warning message: 'Warning! Available windows resources are critically low. SOLIDWORKS cannot open any more windows. Close some open SOLIDWORKS documents.'

RealHack 7.0

Reset SolidWorks Setting
This command run to fully reset all of your SOLIDWORKS preferences. You will need full administrative permissions on your computer to be able to do that. After run this command, Please launch or restart SOLIDWORKS.

Show FPS
This command run to show Frames Per Second (refresh rate) in SOLIDWORS. You will need full administrative permissions on your computer to be able to do that. After run this command, Please launch or restart SOLIDWORKS.